Tesol Mathrace

We take pride in our tesol mathrace

Main Reasons Of Damage In A Lathe

Over time, all machines accustomed to being used will wear out one degree or millimeter. On a lathe, the main components are worn and will give you problems. The most important influence and hold tolerance are the shaft bearings, bed, slid, both transverse, top and saddle. Also, the ball screws and nuts. These items are expensive to replace that is why you need to use a superior ball screw repair service to help you fix the damage that will cost you less than having to replace the part.

There are many other moving parts on the lathe that can wear out or break. If possible, they must be repaired. This can be recognized from the movement of the lathe or the results of work or lathe from the machine itself. The three main causes of lathes resulting in non-straight cutting are non-central tailstock, wear on the lathe bed and the machine is not level or flat. Lubrication is also mandatory for the bed ways or trajectories, one of the most frequently worn parts. If the lathe results are like an oval and when measured with a different position of 90 degrees there is a large difference in diameter that happens both when turning outside and turning inside diameter (holes), this is usually because the bearings on the main spindle or the shaft of the lathe are worn out or loose. Indeed, to replace it requires quite a lot of time, considering we have to disassemble the headstock should also check the bearing on the transmission axis.

Sometimes the automatic lever of the screw (carrier) is released until the lathe becomes damaged. This usually occurs because the split nut, which is driven by the lever is worn or dirty by grams. Clean and adjust. But what is more common is the thread balls are worn out first. Usually, it can be reversed, the good part is placed in front. Of course, there will be a slight adjustment.


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