Tesol Mathrace

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Arranging A Safe Small House For Children

Limited land and increasing house prices make you get rid of the desire to have a big house. The small house as long as it is arranged comfortably, of course, can make you feel at home. However, if you have children, decorating a room in a tiny house takes a lot of effort. The reason is, you shouldn’t make the play area narrow so that creativity continues to develop. Check back your habits at home. If you are not the type who likes to store a lot of groceries, you don’t need to buy a very large two-door refrigerator. Remember, a large refrigerator also costs more electricity than a tiny refrigerator. Besides, if you and your child prefer to spend time sitting on the floor, it is better if you use a small sofa and use the remaining budget for comfortable carpets and maintenance with go here.

Given the presence of small children at home, you should not store too many plants in pots. If you like plants, hanging pots can be an option. The reason is, the pot is at risk of being hit by a child or the child will uproot the plants in the pot. Also, leave the lawn covered with grass – you can use mini elephant grass or needle grass – so that the child can still play comfortably in the yard and do not get hurt immediately when falling. If the house is cramped, you should use the concept of an open house without any dividers – even if it’s a kitchen. The goal is that you can see all the activities your child is doing, even if you are busy cooking or cleaning the house. The open house concept also makes the house seem more spacious.

Children always like to run, including in the house. For that make sure the area in the family room, kitchen, and dining room is not too much stuff and remains roomy. In the meantime, use your room first as a workspace, so you don’t have to make a cluttered dining table with your work files – which your children risk-taking. For the house to be wider, usually the house will be built upwards. But, make sure the stairs are still child-friendly, that is, each rung is not too high, and there is a banister to prevent the child from falling sideways when using it.
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