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How to Establish Workplace Harassment

Recent instances in the press have underlined what many of us have known for a long time: harassment is ubiquitous in the workplace.

Unfortunately, one of the reasons it is so common is that it is so hard to establish. Proof can be particularly crucial in such circumstances for several reasons. It can make it difficult for harassers to deny their behavior and evade punishment. It might also make it tougher for a firm to just ignore the conduct or cover it up. Finally, and most significantly, proof permits you to successfully prosecute a case against your harasser, and your company, should you need to.

Due to all of these factors, you must comprehend both what harassment is and como denunciar acoso laboral. You can only be confident the activity will end and the harassers will receive just punishment in this way.

To show workplace harassment, then, the victim of that harassment must follow their case with tremendous care and determination. The easiest approach to establish you have been harassed in the workplace is to gather proof in all the following ways:

– Create a schedule
– Gather evidence
– Locate witnesses

You should begin by documenting each episode of harassment as soon as it occurs to create a timeline. Write them down in a single spot, and be as thorough as possible. Information should include the date and time and as much description as possible regarding the interaction. As more and more incidents are recorded in this way, you may establish that there has been a pattern of conduct over an extended period.

You can further corroborate this information by sharing it with others that you trust when the harassment occurs. Talk to friends or even work associates you can trust. You might also consider alerting your HR department or federal and state employment organizations, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), following each incident.


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