Know The 3 Types Of Effective Marketing
Those of you who are making a marketing plan for your business know this, so it is very appropriate for you to be in this article. Because in this article we will explain some examples of marketing that you can apply to your business. even, of course, it can be a good service to improve your business into a more developed business. First, you can use geofence technology. Where this is a business marketing technique that can target potential customers in certain cities. Until now, many large companies are using this technology. Because according to them this is a fairly effective business marketing technique that can bring benefits to them.
The second is that you can apply a chatbot to your business. this will give a positive response when you are not in place and some buyers are coming to your business. Chatbot serves to serve potential buyers and your customers through live chat. This program is set up to answer questions that are generally asked by normal humans. The use of chatbot technology is increasingly being used by large companies. But of course, those of you who are small businesses can also use this to be able to compete with big companies. Even if viewed in general chatbots, this has the potential to always grow to be bigger in the future. In other words, a chatbot is like changing a business by providing a kind of customer service.
Third, you can use social commerce methods. Where you will be able to feel the benefits between the two names. In other words, you will be able to make sales through your social media accounts. In this case, you will find examples such as Instagram and Facebook accounts. Where you can use these 2 applications to promote your business to many people