Tesol Mathrace

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Preparing the Chicken Coop

All chickens need a coop. The cage must be well ventilated, safe from predators, should not be exposed to the wind, and have a large space to accommodate the chickens you want to keep. You can buy a cage from a pet store, hardware store, farm supply store or online. If you have some carpentry skills, you can try making your own cage. You can find many cage designs on the internet website or design your own.

Each chicken takes about 0.4 m² of space, the kate chicken takes up half or 0.2 m². If the chickens are going to be in the coop all the time, the coop should be large enough so that the chickens are happy with the amount of space available and can roam freely. Place the cage in an area with lots of grass and some mounds of dirt. Chickens like to eat grass they find and like to bathe in the ground every day. Choose soil that is overgrown with tall grass interspersed with dry land so that the chickens can enjoy the grass and also bathe in the soil.

Buy or make some boxes for laying eggs and place them in the cage. The chicken will lay eggs in the box. Prepare one box for laying eggs for every four hens. You’ll need to add a hay-like base in the box so it looks like a nest. Also, make sure the box is big enough for the chicken to fit in comfortably. Chickens should also be able to access the box easily and have edges so the eggs don’t fall out of the nest and break on the floor. You can build or buy a cage with a box for laying eggs that is placed in a way that allows you to collect eggs from outside the cage. That way, you don’t have to go into the coop every morning and disturb the peace of the chickens.


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