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Safe Holidays during a Pandemic

Almost all people need a vacation to refresh their mind and body after busy work, study, or other activities. This makes tourism a sector that never ends. Especially if the weekend or school holidays arrive, various tourist attractions will be full of visitors. However, no one could have thought that in 2020, yesterday, Indonesia’s tourism sector was rapidly dimming due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The government was forced to temporarily close all tourist attractions to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Previously, most people spent their holidays visiting contemporary tourist attractions, but it seems that this style of tourism will decrease in prestige. This is because the limited space for tourist attractions makes most people still afraid of the spread of the virus. For your trip to remain comfortable, then you should use a private vehicle that can be rented according to your needs at range rover hire.

It has become a very common thing if you want a vacation, most travelers will join a travel agent. Travelers assume that by using the services of a travel agent, holidays become more practical and time to each tourist destination is well-scheduled. However, because this travel agent will mix with other tourists, this makes travelers afraid because they are vulnerable to viral disease transmission. Finally, a vacation with a nuclear family will be the right choice. That way, a traveler can enjoy a vacation without fear of being attacked by a virus. Enjoying a vacation up to a week more is indeed very enjoyable. However, if the Covid-19 pandemic is still endemic, you should not do it. Determine the vacation period with a short time.

If usually, you and your family go on vacation to a city for a week, so for the time being, it is better to only take 3-4 days. Short vacation during this pandemic is safer because there is minimal risk of virus transmission. To avoid this, you can choose to use a private vehicle if the tourist destination is still between cities. Besides being safer, you can also enjoy the scenery more during your trip to the destination city.


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