Tesol Mathrace

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Scheduled Maintenance

The manufacturing industry, in which most of its business activities are in the operational section, will of course be very dependent on machines in carrying out the production process. For this reason, engine performance will greatly impact the company’s profitability. Machine work processes that do not run perfectly, such as sudden stops or process delays can result in increased operational costs. The existence of machine components that do not function optimally due to usage is unavoidable. For that, try to replace each component according to the schedule that has been made. And make sure the operators get vapro opleiding training.

And the part that takes care of this replacement should be done by a knowledgeable technician. Bearings are the key to heavy machine tools and are easily damaged or worn. These bearing housings must be regularly maintained. Maintenance logs should also be kept to ensure regular checks and compliance can be measured. Using heavy equipment requires daily maintenance. Some components, especially moving parts in machines, need to be lubricated frequently. Other components, such as hydraulic lifts and bearings, must be monitored and lubricated at the initial stage of need. Contamination can cause engine damage. Water is the main source of corrosion and lubrication prevents corrosion.

Perform component inspection and monitoring. A planned maintenance plan can anticipate part wear. Continuous visual inspection of components can prevent damage or failure of the machine. Components need to be replaced sooner and may signal a larger problem that needs to be diagnosed. Lubricant analysis should also be part of a regular maintenance schedule. This lubricant analysis is the best way to diagnose problems and prevent the engine from wear and tear.

Protect equipment during storage. Large machines should be kept under cover wherever possible. Motors, turbines, mixers, and other equipment should be rotated as often as possible. Check the idle engine for rust, condensation, and contamination. Don’t forget to check all lubricants.


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