This Is How To Maintain The Exterior Walls Of A Minimalist House
Caring for the exterior walls of a house does require certain tricks so that the rock and paint look durable and shiny. Exposure to sunlight can damage the condition of the house paint easily. Not only that, but humid conditions can also facilitate the appearance of mold so that it can peel the paint on the walls of the house. If your house exterior walls are infested with mold, we suggest you hire a trustworthy Pressure Washing company near your area.
In this article, there are several ways to care for minimalist home walls to make them last longer:
Choose Quality Home Paint
Minimalist house with quality walls can be produced from quality wall paint. We recommend choosing a wall paint that withstands extreme weather exposure and is durable. Paint on the interior and exterior of the house is different. In the interior of the house is usually more recommended minimalist and environmentally friendly paint. Whereas on the exterior of the house generally, the selected wall paint has a stronger character than the interior. Quality wall paint is usually more durable and does not peel even if used for 4 years.
Paint the walls of a bright house
To apply the exterior wall paint of the house, choose a bright paint color. The choice of paint colors in minimalist home design is very good, especially on exterior walls because it has less pigment. Brightly colored wall paint is also not easy to fade, so you do not need to bother anymore to repaint the walls of your home. As for some of the recommended color choices are green, brown, and others.
Using Natural Stone
If you are bored seeing the arrangement of bricks with a layer of cement and paint, then you can apply natural rock to be used as an exterior wall in a minimalist home. The advantages that can be obtained from the use of natural stone is very easy to clean even if only by using water alone. If exposed to dirt, it is enough to brush with soap and rinse using water. Such advantages are very suitable as recommendations for the exterior of your home.